Monthly Archives: February 2014

7 Steps for Putting Ideas Into Action

Most of the entrepreneurs that I coach have plenty of ideas. Most of the companies that I work with have more ideas than $$. So what should you do with those (many) ideas? Here’s a clever seven-step technique for developing ideas you can actually use to solve business problems. Brainstorming is only the first step […]

Why should your customers buy from you?

Innovation isn’t easy! If you want to stand out from the competition you may be tempted to change your customers’ behavior. Why should they buy your product or service? That is the question. You must give them a very good reason. Effective innovation provides a simple solution to a problem or satisfies a customer’s need. […]

Process or output?

I often meet directors and vice presidents who question their product development process (PDP) or Stage-Gate. They blame failure to bring innovation to the market on poor process. These C-suites (often very well-educated individuals) tend to forget just one thing: To innovate you must take action! How many product development projects are currently (sitting) in […]

How to innovate? An inspiration source from Intuit.

Suzanne Pellican, chief design strategist for Intuit Small Business Group, presented at a Back End of Innovation 2013 a few weeks ago in Mountain View, California. Over the last five years Intuit has knitted innovation into the core fabric of the company using Intuit’s innovation driving process “Design for Delight” aka “D4D.” Using design theory as an innovation […]