Monthly Archives: June 2014

Design Thinking. Design what?

A short video (3 minutes) that clearly explains what is Design Thinking. As suggested, the 1 + 5 steps process is describded: 1. Set up a creative working environment 2. Talk to your stakeholders (i.e. users, distributors, customers, etc.) and create the empathy map 3. Define the problem 4. Start to generate ideas to solve […]

How to use Voice of Customer to innovate

If you are going to create a product that fulfills the needs of the customer, you have no choice but to listen to what the customer has to say. Steve Jobs had been known to say that all of Apple’s breakthrough innovations have come from listening to customers. However, he did also say that focus […]

Voice of the Customer

What is Voice of the Customer? It’s not your typical market study!

A crucial part of a successful product strategy is understanding what the customers’ needs are. This process if called Voice of the Customer (VOC) and should be conducted as soon as possible in the product development. Information should be gathered from a variety of sources, including individual interviews, contextual inquiry and ethnographic techniques. All of these involve […]

Why you should invest in product strategy

You’ve developed a great new product and are ready to launch it to the world. Any good business strategist will tell you that before you launch, you need a product strategy. A product strategy is defined by as “a plan for marketing a good that is founded upon an analysis of the nature of […]