Monthly Archives: October 2014

10 Tips for Running a Successful Design Thinking Session

We’ve discussed the many merits of design thinking, and now it’s time to get started on your very own design thinking session. Doing this for the first time can be daunting, especially if staff is not yet on board with the process. We’ve collected some practical tips for running a successful brainstorming session, which will […]

Increased Regulation in Healthcare

Industry stakeholders and consumer advocacy groups have influenced the US government to shift the focus of US healthcare to quality rather than quantity. In order to protect patients and promote public health, legislation has been put in place which ensures that devices are identifiable and secure at all points. This increase in regulation poses some […]

Your innovation process is backward

Does your new product development process begin with “Generate Idea” on the left, perhaps with a light-bulb icon? Whose idea is it – yours…or your customers? Maybe focusing on your own ideas is wrong! Do you start with your own solutions to assumed customer needs? Talking to the VP of R&D of a well-known Canadian company recently, […]

Want to pick up your innovation pace? Follow these simple rules

If you follow this blog, you know that we like to get things done….despite the usual consultant approach! We like to deliver results, not reports! We bet you like to get things done as well, so we offer these four tips for improving your company’s innovation process and getting things done faster and better: Get […]

Emerging Markets in the Medical Device Industry

In recent years, the market for medical devices has grown substantially in China, Mexico and Brazil. Many medical device companies are looking to these emerging markets for consistent revenue growth. China is currently the third largest market in the world for medical devices and likely to become the second largest soon. 31% of the devices […]

Adapt the innovation process to the challenge

I have always thought that innovation management should be simple. Most of the CEOs I talk to agree with this approach, yet, when we start to dig into their innovation process…’s a mess. The process is often complicated and owned only by one department, or even worse, one employee. It is often driven by templates, reports […]