Monthly Archives: November 2014

Medical devices, the FDA and reimbursement

At the recent AdvaMed conference, held in Chicago in October 2014, many of the speakers discussed changes in the medical device industry, especially regarding FDA and reimbursement procedures. In past years, the FDA was much criticized, but this year the agency was praised for instituting changes that resulted in improved collaboration and faster review of […]

5 tips for creating a strong product strategy

  Following these five guidelines will help your project team become a lot more agile and improve your success rate. Patrick Sirois At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks […]

Voice of Customer is not dead!

At a recent international management event, a renowned NYU professor claimed that the Voice of customer (VoC) is dead. In his tirade against VoC he said that he now relies on “customer interviews.” Am I missing something here or is he? What this gentlemen may have missed is that Voice of Customer is a strategy […]

AdvaMed 2014: The finance behind medical devices

Much of the discussion at this year’s AdvaMed conference concerned the financial aspects of medical devices production. Pricing, consolidation and innovation were among the main topics of conversation. As a result of websites like Amazon and TripAdvisor, both consumers and healthcare professionals have learned to expect that they can compare products based on value and […]

Kill the stage-gate process

Recently, during a Design Thinking workshop, attendants started to talk about the issues facing their organizations. It did not take long for the stage-gate process to be the main topic under discussion. Some mentioned that they were considering killing the stage-gate process since they found it too bulky, too complicated and a big time-waster for […]

Medical Solutions for an Aging Population

The population of the world is aging. People are living longer and staying healthier for more years. In developed countries, 23% of the population is above 60 and that number is expected to increase to 32% by 2050. The healthcare needs of this population are different than that of the rest of the population, and […]