Monthly Archives: March 2015

Key factors impacting accelerated innovation

  Innovation and agility are “a must” in business these days. Regardless of the industry you are in, innovation is key to success. Why? Because CHANGE is the only constant. Some of the pitfalls you are probably encountering today are: • Trying to release big, to cover as many customer features as possible • Working […]

How to conduct usability testing for medical devices

When testing medical devices (or any new products) for usability, it’s important to test both the device and the manual/instructions that go along with it. Usability testing is meant to pinpoint sources of confusion, information that is missing or out of order, instructions that are open to interpretation and information that prompts unexpected behavior. Usability […]

Find flaws in your design through user shadowing

How do your customers interact with your product? What problems do they encounter in its use? The best way to find the answers to these questions is by “shadowing” them as they use it. This means following them around, filming, photographing or taking notes on how they use the product. While it’s true that you […]

How design thinking saved Airbnb from failure

When Airbnb was just a small startup, its founders participated in Y Combinator’s program for startups to improve their position and refine their pitch to investors. They sat with design thinker Paul Graham and tried to figure out why bookings were so low for the properties available for rent on the site. Joe Gebbia, co-founder […]

How to get into customers’ heads

The most important factor in the success of a new product or service is how the customers feel about it. Development teams need to have a clear view of what is important to customers in their industry and in general so they can create a product which meshes with these expectations. Customer interviews and shadowing […]

Is innovation really important in your company?

Here’s a few indications that it is: The “i” word is often heard in meetings and in hallway discussions Innovation is considered as a long term investment strategy Creativity and new ideas Failure is not considered as an “end” but rather as a “start” Innovation is considered as a clear differentiator The company’s project portfolio […]