Monthly Archives: May 2015

Why the automotive industry needs to innovate to keep customers happy

These days, 55% of consumers say they won’t buy a car if it doesn’t have the technology they want. Car purchasing is no longer about the vehicle’s performance. Instead, customers are more interested in futuristic features which make the car more than a run-of-the-mill vehicle. Think safety features such as collision-avoidance systems, blind-spot warnings and […]

White space as a model for innovation

White space is basically a gap your company has not yet filled. It may be a space that is totally empty, not filled by anyone, but it might be a space that other companies occupy but that your brand could benefit from being in as well. Think of white space as a new opportunity or […]

Using analogous situations to inspire the design thinking process

One of the principles of design thinking is that innovators need to get into their customers’ heads to understand their wants and needs, pain points and customer experience. One way to do that is to compare your customers’ journey with an analogous situation you have experienced yourself. If your customer experience involves waiting in line […]