Monthly Archives: June 2015

How will robotics affect the healthcare industry?

Medical robots cover a broad range of medical devices, from surgical assistants to exoskeletons and companion or assistive robots. These new devices are involved in all aspects of healthcare, including therapy, rehabilitation and patient monitoring. Robotics has the potential to improve risk-benefit ratios, speed up recovery times and reduce the overall cost of healthcare. Improved […]

Does patient-centered care really work?

“Patient-centered care” is an oft-touted ideal in health care today, so a group of researchers decided to find out whether it really works. Peter Reed, Douglas A Conrad, Susan E Hernandez, Carolyn Watts and Miriam Marcus-Smith examined healthcare reform in Washington State to get “an in-depth and personal perspective of patient-centered care innovation from the […]

5 principles of patient-centered care

Healthcare reform is moving in the direction of patient-centered care, allowing patients and their families to be actively involved in their own health. This is not just a catch phrase; it’s a radical rethinking of how the healthcare system treats sick people, from the medical device stakeholders to the nurses and receptionists on the hospital […]