Author Archives: Patrick Sirois

How to shake a sleepy market?

 A recent article by FastCo caught my attention. The electric toothbrush market is stagnant since a few years. How can one of the two conglomerates, Oral-B or Philips, reinvent its products or offer to grab new market share? Well, maybe just like Kodak the current leaders will fade into the dark and let a new […]

Innovation pitfalls

Innovation is the main reason why business succeed. Why? Because innovation means change and if you embrace change, there’s more chance your competition will become obsolete. But innovation has many pitfalls. The main three are: 1. Risk. Innovators must embrace risk. One has to take the decision not having all the cards in his hands. […]

Innovation: It’s not about processes & tools!

Most business consultants tend to focus on the “how” (i.e. Processes, tools, practices, etc.). At Triode, we try to focus on the “What”. What is needed in the market? What if your current customers did not need our product or service anymore? With a disruptive hypothesis, you don’t make a reasonable prediction like “if I […]

The Product Line Manager role at New Balance

Claire Wood from New Balance explains in 3 minutes what is her role as a Product Line Manager. Patrick Sirois At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks […]

Is innovation really important in your company?

Here’s a few indications that it is: The “i” word is often heard in meetings and in hallway discussions Innovation is considered as a long term investment strategy Creativity and new ideas Failure is not considered as an “end” but rather as a “start” Innovation is considered as a clear differentiator The company’s project portfolio […]

Why innovate? 8 reasons to convince you!

Theses days the “i” word is used in many ways. Still, innovation is the best way to get noticed and grow your business. So why should you innovation? To survive To flee the red ocean To increase profit margins To take advantage of new opportunities To renew with growth To improve business revenues To be different […]

Innovation is about unreasonable hypothesis!

Most business consultants tend to focus on the “how” (i.e. Processes, tools, pratices, etc.). At Triode we try to focus on the “What”. What is needed in the market? What if your current customers did not need our product or service anymore? With a disruptive hypothesis, you don’t make a reasonable prediction like “if I […]

What are the major trends in Medical Devices and Healthcare for 2015?

  Patrick Sirois At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks associated with innovating in these sophisticated and often regulated consumer-oriented environments.    

5 tips for creating a strong product strategy

  Following these five guidelines will help your project team become a lot more agile and improve your success rate. Patrick Sirois At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks […]

Design Thinking. Design what?

A short video (3 minutes) that clearly explains what is Design Thinking. As suggested, the 1 + 5 steps process is describded: 1. Set up a creative working environment 2. Talk to your stakeholders (i.e. users, distributors, customers, etc.) and create the empathy map 3. Define the problem 4. Start to generate ideas to solve […]