Category innovation

Innovation pitfalls

Innovation is the main reason why business succeed. Why? Because innovation means change and if you embrace change, there’s more chance your competition will become obsolete. But innovation has many pitfalls. The main three are: 1. Risk. Innovators must embrace risk. One has to take the decision not having all the cards in his hands. […]

Innovation: It’s not about processes & tools!

Most business consultants tend to focus on the “how” (i.e. Processes, tools, practices, etc.). At Triode, we try to focus on the “What”. What is needed in the market? What if your current customers did not need our product or service anymore? With a disruptive hypothesis, you don’t make a reasonable prediction like “if I […]

Top 10 mistakes to avoid in a product launch

Developing a new product is no easy task, but once you have overcome that hurdle, it’s time for the next challenge – an effective product launch. When a product launch succeeds it provides early revenue, a competitive edge and a foundation for future marketing activities. On the other hand, a product may never recover from […]

Innovation requires customer understanding

I have led many innovation projects over the last 17 years and I have come to understand that a large number of new product development projects go south because of poor definition and/or lack of customer understanding. A good way to avoid this problem and ensure a decent start to a project is by beginning with the […]

The Product Line Manager role at New Balance

Claire Wood from New Balance explains in 3 minutes what is her role as a Product Line Manager. Patrick Sirois At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks […]

Patient-centered innovation

Researchers and product developers spend billions of dollars looking for solutions to chronic pain, diseases and diagnosis methods. But, perhaps unsurprisingly, much of the medical innovation in the industry is a result of ideas imagined by medical professionals. Doctors and nurses who come into daily contact with patients are often the ones who best understand […]

The advantages of ISO 13485 certification

In 2003, ISO 13485 became the standard quality management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices. Companies which demonstrate that their devices are effectively implementing and maintaining the quality requirements can be certified by the ISO. The standard applies to companies which design, manufacture, and assemble medical and in vitro diagnostic medical devices, as […]

How will robotics affect the healthcare industry?

Medical robots cover a broad range of medical devices, from surgical assistants to exoskeletons and companion or assistive robots. These new devices are involved in all aspects of healthcare, including therapy, rehabilitation and patient monitoring. Robotics has the potential to improve risk-benefit ratios, speed up recovery times and reduce the overall cost of healthcare. Improved […]

Does patient-centered care really work?

“Patient-centered care” is an oft-touted ideal in health care today, so a group of researchers decided to find out whether it really works. Peter Reed, Douglas A Conrad, Susan E Hernandez, Carolyn Watts and Miriam Marcus-Smith examined healthcare reform in Washington State to get “an in-depth and personal perspective of patient-centered care innovation from the […]

Why the automotive industry needs to innovate to keep customers happy

These days, 55% of consumers say they won’t buy a car if it doesn’t have the technology they want. Car purchasing is no longer about the vehicle’s performance. Instead, customers are more interested in futuristic features which make the car more than a run-of-the-mill vehicle. Think safety features such as collision-avoidance systems, blind-spot warnings and […]