Tag Archives: design

Design thinking is not a replacement for product strategy

Design thinking opens up new avenues for innovation that your company had not thought of before. Instead of overthinking, over-analyzing and focusing on minimizing risks, design thinking allows you to stop deliberating and start acting. On the other hand, design thinking can sometimes lead to under-thinking. Just because something is possible, does not make it […]

Why did Google suspend Google Glass?

Wearable tech is a much talked-about trend, but the demise of Google Glass would seem to suggest that it’s not here just yet. Google Glass is an internet-connected eyewear that was tested and marketed for two years. In January, Google announced that it would stop marketing the product to consumers and focus on creating a […]

Stakeholder mapping as a springboard to innovation

An excellent product or service best serves all the people who interact with it. The majority of these people may be customers, but other stakeholders may include business owners, employees, investors, partner organizations, suppliers and a particular community. When you list all of your product’s stakeholders and map out the interplay between the groups you […]

Design thinking and a $25 incubator: A case study

Students at the Stanford d. school were challenged to design a less expensive incubator for babies born prematurely in Nepal. The students traveled to Nepal to meet with families and doctors and see the problem for themselves. During the trip, they were exposed to the angst of parents who were not able to save their […]

User Research: Tips for better design inputs

I am always fascinated by how little companies know about their customers. Lack of knowledge about customers’ wants and needs is especially prevalent in B2B and B2B2C businesses. In a Business to Business model, knowing what your customer wants and, more importantly, knowing what your clients’ customers want, will lead to a better understanding of the market […]

Service design explained (vimeo)

A short animation explaining the basics of service design by Yosef Shuman. Why was this made? Service design is based on research, developing ideas and testing experiences. http://vimeo.com/88455206 Triode is a consulting firm specialized in product strategy. We help our clients to reduce delay and risks in product development with a better understanding and identification of customers […]

How to innovate? An inspiration source from Intuit.

Suzanne Pellican, chief design strategist for Intuit Small Business Group, presented at a Back End of Innovation 2013 a few weeks ago in Mountain View, California. Over the last five years Intuit has knitted innovation into the core fabric of the company using Intuit’s innovation driving process “Design for Delight” aka “D4D.” Using design theory as an innovation […]