Tag Archives: healthcare design

Design thinking is not a replacement for product strategy

Design thinking opens up new avenues for innovation that your company had not thought of before. Instead of overthinking, over-analyzing and focusing on minimizing risks, design thinking allows you to stop deliberating and start acting. On the other hand, design thinking can sometimes lead to under-thinking. Just because something is possible, does not make it […]

Design thinking: case study from GE Healthcare

Design thinking case study: GE Healthcare We have talked about the origin and the principles of Design Thinking in past blog posts. But how do a company really use the design thinking approach to redefine a service or a product? Here an interesting example at GE Healtcare. Medical procedures can be scary for patients, and […]

How to use empathy as part of a design thinking approach?

In the twentieth century, much emphasis was put on introspection: the process of looking inwards to understand ourselves. In this century, people are instead focusing outwards, trying to develop empathy toward other individuals and groups. Empathy is a useful concept for living a better life, solving political concepts and dreaming up more creative business ideas. […]

Design Thinking: Case study from the healthcare industry.

A case study from the healthcare industry at Mayo Clinic Design thinking is a vital tool in fostering innovation and delivering services which make the consumer feel good about his or her experience. The Mayo Clinic has an entire lab devoted to utilizing design thinking for improving people’s interactions with the healthcare system. The Mayo […]