Tag Archives: Healthcare Organization

Does patient-centered care really work?

“Patient-centered care” is an oft-touted ideal in health care today, so a group of researchers decided to find out whether it really works. Peter Reed, Douglas A Conrad, Susan E Hernandez, Carolyn Watts and Miriam Marcus-Smith examined healthcare reform in Washington State to get “an in-depth and personal perspective of patient-centered care innovation from the […]

5 principles of patient-centered care

Healthcare reform is moving in the direction of patient-centered care, allowing patients and their families to be actively involved in their own health. This is not just a catch phrase; it’s a radical rethinking of how the healthcare system treats sick people, from the medical device stakeholders to the nurses and receptionists on the hospital […]

Healthcare Provider Consolidation

In the last decade, we have seen a trend of healthcare provider consolidation, in addition to the trend of increasing regulation we spoke about in a previous post. In order to provide higher quality care at lower costs, hospitals are being acquired by major healthcare organizations and physicians are joining these larger organizations. The stricter […]

Bringing Design Thinking into Your Organization

Bringing Design Thinking into Your Healthcare Organization Healthcare organizations like the Mayo Clinic, Procter & Gamble and GE Healthcare are integrating design thinking into their company culture, in order to boost innovation and bottom lines. A 2003 Danish Design Center study showed that over a five-year period, companies using design thinking had a 40% revenue […]