Tag Archives: how to innovate

Innovation: It’s not about processes & tools!

Most business consultants tend to focus on the “how” (i.e. Processes, tools, practices, etc.). At Triode, we try to focus on the “What”. What is needed in the market? What if your current customers did not need our product or service anymore? With a disruptive hypothesis, you don’t make a reasonable prediction like “if I […]

Stakeholder mapping as a springboard to innovation

An excellent product or service best serves all the people who interact with it. The majority of these people may be customers, but other stakeholders may include business owners, employees, investors, partner organizations, suppliers and a particular community. When you list all of your product’s stakeholders and map out the interplay between the groups you […]

Can Innovation Make Money? Yes with the help of Design Thinking.

A famous saying quoted by many CEOs is that “gambling, divorce and innovation are the best ways to lose money.” But recently, businesses have started to see the benefits of design thinking for making money through innovation. CEOs start to see that design thinking leads to happier customers, which of course leads to more sales. […]

How to use empathy as part of a design thinking approach?

In the twentieth century, much emphasis was put on introspection: the process of looking inwards to understand ourselves. In this century, people are instead focusing outwards, trying to develop empathy toward other individuals and groups. Empathy is a useful concept for living a better life, solving political concepts and dreaming up more creative business ideas. […]

7 Steps for Putting Ideas Into Action

Most of the entrepreneurs that I coach have plenty of ideas. Most of the companies that I work with have more ideas than $$. So what should you do with those (many) ideas? Here’s a clever seven-step technique for developing ideas you can actually use to solve business problems. Brainstorming is only the first step […]

Why should your customers buy from you?

Innovation isn’t easy! If you want to stand out from the competition you may be tempted to change your customers’ behavior. Why should they buy your product or service? That is the question. You must give them a very good reason. Effective innovation provides a simple solution to a problem or satisfies a customer’s need. […]