Tag Archives: Innovation management

Key factors impacting accelerated innovation

  Innovation and agility are “a must” in business these days. Regardless of the industry you are in, innovation is key to success. Why? Because CHANGE is the only constant. Some of the pitfalls you are probably encountering today are: • Trying to release big, to cover as many customer features as possible • Working […]

Is innovation really important in your company?

Here’s a few indications that it is: The “i” word is often heard in meetings and in hallway discussions Innovation is considered as a long term investment strategy Creativity and new ideas Failure is not considered as an “end” but rather as a “start” Innovation is considered as a clear differentiator The company’s project portfolio […]

What are the major trends in Medical Devices and Healthcare for 2015?

  Patrick Sirois http://www.triode.ca At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks associated with innovating in these sophisticated and often regulated consumer-oriented environments.    

Adapt the innovation process to the challenge

I have always thought that innovation management should be simple. Most of the CEOs I talk to agree with this approach, yet, when we start to dig into their innovation process…..it’s a mess. The process is often complicated and owned only by one department, or even worse, one employee. It is often driven by templates, reports […]

Can Innovation Make Money? Yes with the help of Design Thinking.

A famous saying quoted by many CEOs is that “gambling, divorce and innovation are the best ways to lose money.” But recently, businesses have started to see the benefits of design thinking for making money through innovation. CEOs start to see that design thinking leads to happier customers, which of course leads to more sales. […]

How to innovate? An inspiration source from Intuit.

Suzanne Pellican, chief design strategist for Intuit Small Business Group, presented at a Back End of Innovation 2013 a few weeks ago in Mountain View, California. Over the last five years Intuit has knitted innovation into the core fabric of the company using Intuit’s innovation driving process “Design for Delight” aka “D4D.” Using design theory as an innovation […]