Tag Archives: Innovation process

Innovation: It’s not about processes & tools!

Most business consultants tend to focus on the “how” (i.e. Processes, tools, practices, etc.). At Triode, we try to focus on the “What”. What is needed in the market? What if your current customers did not need our product or service anymore? With a disruptive hypothesis, you don’t make a reasonable prediction like “if I […]

Adaptability: Key to your success

When a business finally reaches some growth, it’s important to consider one aspect that is not talked about enough regarding innovation – flexibility and adaptability. What organizations need to take into this new period of growth is the need to be adaptable and to increase the focus on agility, so as to be able to […]

Innovation requires customer understanding

I have led many innovation projects over the last 17 years and I have come to understand that a large number of new product development projects go south because of poor definition and/or lack of customer understanding. A good way to avoid this problem and ensure a decent start to a project is by beginning with the […]

Key factors impacting accelerated innovation

  Innovation and agility are “a must” in business these days. Regardless of the industry you are in, innovation is key to success. Why? Because CHANGE is the only constant. Some of the pitfalls you are probably encountering today are: • Trying to release big, to cover as many customer features as possible • Working […]

How Design Thinking and Customer Journey are related?

One of the key principles of design thinking is that it is customer-based. Before attempting to innovate a product which will best serve your customer, it’s important to understand how a potential customer becomes an actual customer, and how he interacts with your brand throughout the entire process. There are several touchpoints in the customer […]

Kill the stage-gate process

Recently, during a Design Thinking workshop, attendants started to talk about the issues facing their organizations. It did not take long for the stage-gate process to be the main topic under discussion. Some mentioned that they were considering killing the stage-gate process since they found it too bulky, too complicated and a big time-waster for […]

Want to pick up your innovation pace? Follow these simple rules

If you follow this blog, you know that we like to get things done….despite the usual consultant approach! We like to deliver results, not reports! We bet you like to get things done as well, so we offer these four tips for improving your company’s innovation process and getting things done faster and better: Get […]

Adapt the innovation process to the challenge

I have always thought that innovation management should be simple. Most of the CEOs I talk to agree with this approach, yet, when we start to dig into their innovation process…..it’s a mess. The process is often complicated and owned only by one department, or even worse, one employee. It is often driven by templates, reports […]

Lippincott: A culture of innovation through design thinking.

When the CEO of the company that invented the Coca-Cola swirl and the Starbucks logo agrees to share some of his secrets, we should all listen carefully. Rick Wise of Lippincott writes about how his company melds creativity and practicality to make the most out of the design thinking approach. Wise’ first strategy is to […]

Why you should invest in product strategy

You’ve developed a great new product and are ready to launch it to the world. Any good business strategist will tell you that before you launch, you need a product strategy. A product strategy is defined by businessdictionary.com as “a plan for marketing a good that is founded upon an analysis of the nature of […]