Tag Archives: market

How to shake a sleepy market?

 A recent article by FastCo caught my attention. The electric toothbrush market is stagnant since a few years. How can one of the two conglomerates, Oral-B or Philips, reinvent its products or offer to grab new market share? Well, maybe just like Kodak the current leaders will fade into the dark and let a new […]

Market Studies: 3 tools of the Voice of Customer approach

Are you listening to your customers and effectively meeting their needs? Listening can be hard work, so it’s important to use the right tools to get the information you need for innovation. These three methods to determine Voice of Customer have been shown to be effective and efficient. Ethnography Ethnography is the study of people […]

Innovation is about unreasonable hypothesis!

Most business consultants tend to focus on the “how” (i.e. Processes, tools, pratices, etc.). At Triode we try to focus on the “What”. What is needed in the market? What if your current customers did not need our product or service anymore? With a disruptive hypothesis, you don’t make a reasonable prediction like “if I […]