Tag Archives: medical device

New game changing technologies in the medical industry

Technologies which were created with other industries in mind have also impacted the way medical devices are being designed and built. Twenty-first century technology is drastically changing how we manage our health as well as how healthcare is provided and managed. Here we take a look at nine of these technologies and how will they […]

The Empowered Customer Movement in Healthcare

Increased globalization and technological change are leading the global healthcare industry away from the old physician-based system to one in which the customer is at the center. Customer service has become central to all businesses, and healthcare is no exception. Patients can’t choose whether to get sick but they do generally have control over which […]

Patient-centered innovation

Researchers and product developers spend billions of dollars looking for solutions to chronic pain, diseases and diagnosis methods. But, perhaps unsurprisingly, much of the medical innovation in the industry is a result of ideas imagined by medical professionals. Doctors and nurses who come into daily contact with patients are often the ones who best understand […]

5 principles of patient-centered care

Healthcare reform is moving in the direction of patient-centered care, allowing patients and their families to be actively involved in their own health. This is not just a catch phrase; it’s a radical rethinking of how the healthcare system treats sick people, from the medical device stakeholders to the nurses and receptionists on the hospital […]

Medical device industry outlook

A survey conducted by Emergo Group indicates that sales growth in 2014 was lower than in 2013. A number of factors may have contributed to this negative change. Firstly, the European economy has been in a slump for several years now. This has affected companies which export to Europe as well as German medical device […]

Is the medical device industry in crisis?

The medical device industry has been led by the United States for many years. According to Forbes, the sector employs 400,000 Americans directly and provides jobs for almost 2 million more people. The medical device industry is one of the few American industries with a net trade surplus. Unfortunately, regulations and taxes are negatively impacting […]

How to conduct usability testing for medical devices

When testing medical devices (or any new products) for usability, it’s important to test both the device and the manual/instructions that go along with it. Usability testing is meant to pinpoint sources of confusion, information that is missing or out of order, instructions that are open to interpretation and information that prompts unexpected behavior. Usability […]

Healthcare Provider Consolidation

In the last decade, we have seen a trend of healthcare provider consolidation, in addition to the trend of increasing regulation we spoke about in a previous post. In order to provide higher quality care at lower costs, hospitals are being acquired by major healthcare organizations and physicians are joining these larger organizations. The stricter […]

What are the major trends in Medical Devices and Healthcare for 2015?

  Patrick Sirois http://www.triode.ca At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks associated with innovating in these sophisticated and often regulated consumer-oriented environments.    

Medical devices, the FDA and reimbursement

At the recent AdvaMed conference, held in Chicago in October 2014, many of the speakers discussed changes in the medical device industry, especially regarding FDA and reimbursement procedures. In past years, the FDA was much criticized, but this year the agency was praised for instituting changes that resulted in improved collaboration and faster review of […]