Tag Archives: new product

Adaptability: Key to your success

When a business finally reaches some growth, it’s important to consider one aspect that is not talked about enough regarding innovation – flexibility and adaptability. What organizations need to take into this new period of growth is the need to be adaptable and to increase the focus on agility, so as to be able to […]

6 tools for conducting Voice of the Customer studies

How do your customers feel about your product? What innovation would make your product a real game-changer? What is preventing the product from being truly excellent? These questions are extremely important for any business looking to innovate. We’ve already explained that the most effective way to find answers is through a process called Voice of […]

Top 10 mistakes to avoid in a product launch

Developing a new product is no easy task, but once you have overcome that hurdle, it’s time for the next challenge – an effective product launch. When a product launch succeeds it provides early revenue, a competitive edge and a foundation for future marketing activities. On the other hand, a product may never recover from […]

How to get into customers’ heads

The most important factor in the success of a new product or service is how the customers feel about it. Development teams need to have a clear view of what is important to customers in their industry and in general so they can create a product which meshes with these expectations. Customer interviews and shadowing […]

Successful product development : unique, coherent… and rare

Consumer product companies with consistently successful product innovation, like SodaStream and Dyson, appear to have two factors in common. A study by Booz & Company on the attributes that are going to make a new product successful in the market. The authors present the case of SodaStream which is actually a huge success with its […]