Tag Archives: new product development

Launching your product the right way

Companies invest millions of dollars each year developing new products and trying to increase their revenues and profitability. Some of these products succeed but unfortunately most are failures. Product launch activities have a lot to do with the success rate of a new product on the market. A successful launch is based on these four strategies: […]

Innovation requires customer understanding

I have led many innovation projects over the last 17 years and I have come to understand that a large number of new product development projects go south because of poor definition and/or lack of customer understanding. A good way to avoid this problem and ensure a decent start to a project is by beginning with the […]

Innovation: How to become fast and furious

These days most companies are actually technology companies. Think connected watches, driver less cars and automated assembly lines. And in technology, speed is the name of the game; the quicker a company can innovate and produce a product the better it fares in competition with others in the same industry. If you are responsible for […]

Can Innovation Make Money? Yes with the help of Design Thinking.

A famous saying quoted by many CEOs is that “gambling, divorce and innovation are the best ways to lose money.” But recently, businesses have started to see the benefits of design thinking for making money through innovation. CEOs start to see that design thinking leads to happier customers, which of course leads to more sales. […]

Innovation means failure… well most of the time!

Learning from someone else’s failure is the best way to improve your pratices. But remember: You have to Fail often in order to Succeed. So embrace your failures! Patrick Sirois @psirois, @failwatching

Top CES 2014 Trends

The Top CES Trends as seen by Tech Geek and GroupM Chairman-DEO Irwin Gotlieb. 4K TV, Wearable Tech, Connected Homes and Auto Innovation The annual Consumer Electronics Show tour hosted by GroupM‘s Irwin Gotlieb not only stands out for its longevity but for the media agency chairman-CEO’s innate passion for all things geek. Mr. Gotlieb started […]