Tag Archives: product

Using analogous situations to inspire the design thinking process

One of the principles of design thinking is that innovators need to get into their customers’ heads to understand their wants and needs, pain points and customer experience. One way to do that is to compare your customers’ journey with an analogous situation you have experienced yourself. If your customer experience involves waiting in line […]

The search for the perfect Customer Experience is killing innovation

Proponents of big data leverage it to connect to customers and respond to their needs. The way they do this is by surveying as many customers as possible and – based on those surveys – defining what works and what doesn’t. Big data can indeed provide some insights into customer behavior and needs, but it doesn’t have the ability […]

Medical devices, the FDA and reimbursement

At the recent AdvaMed conference, held in Chicago in October 2014, many of the speakers discussed changes in the medical device industry, especially regarding FDA and reimbursement procedures. In past years, the FDA was much criticized, but this year the agency was praised for instituting changes that resulted in improved collaboration and faster review of […]