Tag Archives: product development

Top 10 mistakes to avoid in a product launch

Developing a new product is no easy task, but once you have overcome that hurdle, it’s time for the next challenge – an effective product launch. When a product launch succeeds it provides early revenue, a competitive edge and a foundation for future marketing activities. On the other hand, a product may never recover from […]

What you can learn from extreme customers

Traditional marketing teaches businesses to identify and map out the wants and needs of their typical customer. In addition to this technique, design thinking asks companies to look at their extreme customers. These are customers on either end of the spectrum – those that love the product and those that hate it, those that have […]

How to get into customers’ heads

The most important factor in the success of a new product or service is how the customers feel about it. Development teams need to have a clear view of what is important to customers in their industry and in general so they can create a product which meshes with these expectations. Customer interviews and shadowing […]

5 tips for creating a strong product strategy

  Following these five guidelines will help your project team become a lot more agile and improve your success rate. Patrick Sirois http://www.triode.ca At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks […]

Medical Solutions for an Aging Population

The population of the world is aging. People are living longer and staying healthier for more years. In developed countries, 23% of the population is above 60 and that number is expected to increase to 32% by 2050. The healthcare needs of this population are different than that of the rest of the population, and […]

Want to pick up your innovation pace? Follow these simple rules

If you follow this blog, you know that we like to get things done….despite the usual consultant approach! We like to deliver results, not reports! We bet you like to get things done as well, so we offer these four tips for improving your company’s innovation process and getting things done faster and better: Get […]

5 tips for creating a strong product strategy

The “old school” way of creating a product strategy is to perform market research and business analysis and then put together a well-planned document that describes the steps to be taken in order to produce the product. Today, however, product development is much more dynamic. A good product strategy focuses on a small number of key […]

Innovation Engine

How do you develop the right product for the future today? This is not an easy task, so many companies simply throw as many features as possible on to the product and hope for the best. This method is of course ineffective and not economically sound. Luckily, there is a better way. Innovative companies launch […]

Voice of the Customer

What is Voice of the Customer? It’s not your typical market study!

A crucial part of a successful product strategy is understanding what the customers’ needs are. This process if called Voice of the Customer (VOC) and should be conducted as soon as possible in the product development. Information should be gathered from a variety of sources, including individual interviews, contextual inquiry and ethnographic techniques. All of these involve […]