Tag Archives: Product Manager

The Product Line Manager role at New Balance

Claire Wood from New Balance explains in 3 minutes what is her role as a Product Line Manager. Patrick Sirois psirois@triode.ca http://www.triode.ca At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks […]

How design thinking saved Airbnb from failure

When Airbnb was just a small startup, its founders participated in Y Combinator’s program for startups to improve their position and refine their pitch to investors. They sat with design thinker Paul Graham and tried to figure out why bookings were so low for the properties available for rent on the site. Joe Gebbia, co-founder […]

Why did Google suspend Google Glass?

Wearable tech is a much talked-about trend, but the demise of Google Glass would seem to suggest that it’s not here just yet. Google Glass is an internet-connected eyewear that was tested and marketed for two years. In January, Google announced that it would stop marketing the product to consumers and focus on creating a […]

5 tips for creating a strong product strategy

The “old school” way of creating a product strategy is to perform market research and business analysis and then put together a well-planned document that describes the steps to be taken in order to produce the product. Today, however, product development is much more dynamic. A good product strategy focuses on a small number of key […]

Voice of the Customer

What is Voice of the Customer? It’s not your typical market study!

A crucial part of a successful product strategy is understanding what the customers’ needs are. This process if called Voice of the Customer (VOC) and should be conducted as soon as possible in the product development. Information should be gathered from a variety of sources, including individual interviews, contextual inquiry and ethnographic techniques. All of these involve […]

Who are the product managers?

Product management is an organizational lifecycle function within a company dealing with the planning, forecasting, or marketing of a product or products at all stages of the product lifecycle. A product manager investigates, selects and drives the development of products performing the activities of product management. While the function of product manager is still in its infancy in some organisations, most large […]