Tag Archives: product strategy

Top 10 mistakes to avoid in a product launch

Developing a new product is no easy task, but once you have overcome that hurdle, it’s time for the next challenge – an effective product launch. When a product launch succeeds it provides early revenue, a competitive edge and a foundation for future marketing activities. On the other hand, a product may never recover from […]

Product strategy that’s customer-centric

One of the principles of design thinking is that you need to get employees from different departments, who serve various functions, sitting in a room together and working on solving problems. The natural instinct of employees is to look at a problem from the point of view of their job. So a graphic designer looks […]

Launching your product the right way

Companies invest millions of dollars each year developing new products and trying to increase their revenues and profitability. Some of these products succeed but unfortunately most are failures. Product launch activities have a lot to do with the success rate of a new product on the market. A successful launch is based on these four strategies: […]

Design thinking is not a replacement for product strategy

Design thinking opens up new avenues for innovation that your company had not thought of before. Instead of overthinking, over-analyzing and focusing on minimizing risks, design thinking allows you to stop deliberating and start acting. On the other hand, design thinking can sometimes lead to under-thinking. Just because something is possible, does not make it […]

5 tips for creating a strong product strategy

  Following these five guidelines will help your project team become a lot more agile and improve your success rate. Patrick Sirois http://www.triode.ca At Triode, we specialize in developing new products and services for complex industries like medical devices and transportation. We work with you closely to help define product strategy, with an emphasis on reducing the risks […]

Voice of Customer is not dead!

At a recent international management event, a renowned NYU professor claimed that the Voice of customer (VoC) is dead. In his tirade against VoC he said that he now relies on “customer interviews.” Am I missing something here or is he? What this gentlemen may have missed is that Voice of Customer is a strategy […]

5 tips for creating a strong product strategy

The “old school” way of creating a product strategy is to perform market research and business analysis and then put together a well-planned document that describes the steps to be taken in order to produce the product. Today, however, product development is much more dynamic. A good product strategy focuses on a small number of key […]

Product strategy: Why is usability testing important?

How often have you purchased a new product and had trouble figuring out how to use it? How many products do you have in your home whose myriad functions you barely take advantage of? When a product is easy to use, we barely notice, but when it’s hard to use it can be really frustrating. […]

Voice of the Customer

What is Voice of the Customer? It’s not your typical market study!

A crucial part of a successful product strategy is understanding what the customers’ needs are. This process if called Voice of the Customer (VOC) and should be conducted as soon as possible in the product development. Information should be gathered from a variety of sources, including individual interviews, contextual inquiry and ethnographic techniques. All of these involve […]

Why you should invest in product strategy

You’ve developed a great new product and are ready to launch it to the world. Any good business strategist will tell you that before you launch, you need a product strategy. A product strategy is defined by businessdictionary.com as “a plan for marketing a good that is founded upon an analysis of the nature of […]