Tag Archives: VoC

Market Studies: 3 tools of the Voice of Customer approach

Are you listening to your customers and effectively meeting their needs? Listening can be hard work, so it’s important to use the right tools to get the information you need for innovation. These three methods to determine Voice of Customer have been shown to be effective and efficient. Ethnography Ethnography is the study of people […]

6 tools for conducting Voice of the Customer studies

How do your customers feel about your product? What innovation would make your product a real game-changer? What is preventing the product from being truly excellent? These questions are extremely important for any business looking to innovate. We’ve already explained that the most effective way to find answers is through a process called Voice of […]

What you can learn from extreme customers

Traditional marketing teaches businesses to identify and map out the wants and needs of their typical customer. In addition to this technique, design thinking asks companies to look at their extreme customers. These are customers on either end of the spectrum – those that love the product and those that hate it, those that have […]

Design thinking and a $25 incubator: A case study

Students at the Stanford d. school were challenged to design a less expensive incubator for babies born prematurely in Nepal. The students traveled to Nepal to meet with families and doctors and see the problem for themselves. During the trip, they were exposed to the angst of parents who were not able to save their […]

Voice of Customer is not dead!

At a recent international management event, a renowned NYU professor claimed that the Voice of customer (VoC) is dead. In his tirade against VoC he said that he now relies on “customer interviews.” Am I missing something here or is he? What this gentlemen may have missed is that Voice of Customer is a strategy […]

How to use Voice of Customer to innovate

If you are going to create a product that fulfills the needs of the customer, you have no choice but to listen to what the customer has to say. Steve Jobs had been known to say that all of Apple’s breakthrough innovations have come from listening to customers. However, he did also say that focus […]

Voice of the Customer

What is Voice of the Customer? It’s not your typical market study!

A crucial part of a successful product strategy is understanding what the customers’ needs are. This process if called Voice of the Customer (VOC) and should be conducted as soon as possible in the product development. Information should be gathered from a variety of sources, including individual interviews, contextual inquiry and ethnographic techniques. All of these involve […]

Why should your customers buy from you?

Innovation isn’t easy! If you want to stand out from the competition you may be tempted to change your customers’ behavior. Why should they buy your product or service? That is the question. You must give them a very good reason. Effective innovation provides a simple solution to a problem or satisfies a customer’s need. […]