Tag Archives: Voice of customer

Market Studies: 3 tools of the Voice of Customer approach

Are you listening to your customers and effectively meeting their needs? Listening can be hard work, so it’s important to use the right tools to get the information you need for innovation. These three methods to determine Voice of Customer have been shown to be effective and efficient. Ethnography Ethnography is the study of people […]

What to do after a Voice of Customer?

  Over the last few weeks we have talked a lot about market analysis and Voice of Customers (VoC) in this blog. But if you want to get a good return on investment from your VoC, you must take action. How do you go about doing this? This post provides some tips about the next few […]

Market Research: How to ask your customers questions

A big part of market research is asking customers direct questions. Surveys and questionnaires are an excellent tool for finding out what your customers want and need and getting their feedback on your product. Unfortunately, most companies ask their customers the wrong type of question, so they miss out on lots of critical information. In […]

Find flaws in your design through user shadowing

How do your customers interact with your product? What problems do they encounter in its use? The best way to find the answers to these questions is by “shadowing” them as they use it. This means following them around, filming, photographing or taking notes on how they use the product. While it’s true that you […]

How Design Thinking and Customer Journey are related?

One of the key principles of design thinking is that it is customer-based. Before attempting to innovate a product which will best serve your customer, it’s important to understand how a potential customer becomes an actual customer, and how he interacts with your brand throughout the entire process. There are several touchpoints in the customer […]

Voice of Customer is not dead!

At a recent international management event, a renowned NYU professor claimed that the Voice of customer (VoC) is dead. In his tirade against VoC he said that he now relies on “customer interviews.” Am I missing something here or is he? What this gentlemen may have missed is that Voice of Customer is a strategy […]

Your innovation process is backward

Does your new product development process begin with “Generate Idea” on the left, perhaps with a light-bulb icon? Whose idea is it – yours…or your customers? Maybe focusing on your own ideas is wrong! Do you start with your own solutions to assumed customer needs? Talking to the VP of R&D of a well-known Canadian company recently, […]