Tag Archives: voice of the customer

6 tools for conducting Voice of the Customer studies

How do your customers feel about your product? What innovation would make your product a real game-changer? What is preventing the product from being truly excellent? These questions are extremely important for any business looking to innovate. We’ve already explained that the most effective way to find answers is through a process called Voice of […]

Find flaws in your design through user shadowing

How do your customers interact with your product? What problems do they encounter in its use? The best way to find the answers to these questions is by “shadowing” them as they use it. This means following them around, filming, photographing or taking notes on how they use the product. While it’s true that you […]

Effectiveness trumps efficiency

When you observe and interact directly with your customer, you get much richer information than with a simple survey. It’s true that this requires more effort on your part, but it is ultimately a much more effective way of gathering data and will help you reach real innovation. Companies who choose efficiency over effectiveness are […]

How to use Voice of Customer to innovate

If you are going to create a product that fulfills the needs of the customer, you have no choice but to listen to what the customer has to say. Steve Jobs had been known to say that all of Apple’s breakthrough innovations have come from listening to customers. However, he did also say that focus […]

Why should your customers buy from you?

Innovation isn’t easy! If you want to stand out from the competition you may be tempted to change your customers’ behavior. Why should they buy your product or service? That is the question. You must give them a very good reason. Effective innovation provides a simple solution to a problem or satisfies a customer’s need. […]